Repeated Chest Infections

I came to see Anna on her treatment program to help me overcome chest infections that had been plaguing me for winter after winter. The first thing I found was how easy it was to talk to her and realised that within that first meeting I found myself opening up about all kinds of things I had never spoken to anyone. The connections she made as she listened to my story unfold were mind blowing and that my body was reflecting deep seated emotions from my past that had not been dealt with, was fascinating.

After the first meeting, I was left feeling like I had been on an emotional merry go round that left me reeling! But Anna was very available to talk to in-between sessions as things came up through taking remedies (I have never used homeopathy before so didn’t know what to expect but whatever she gave me stirred up feelings I haven’t seen for a while!) and as time went on my chest cleared and so far as we approach winter again I have not had the inevitable colds that turned nasty and so far feel amazing. But more than that, I have changed so much I can honestly say if I looked back over the last few months at myself, I wouldn’t recognise that person.

Her style of mixing coaching and homeopathy is unique and so very caring. I am excited to work with you again to keep uncovering things about me. Thanks Anna!

P. M


HPV Vaccination Injury Reversed