HPV Vaccination Injury Reversed

We were a year into Chelsea's illness. As you know she became ill after receiving her HPV vaccine. We spent many months struggling with doctors who were baffled. Chelsea had terrible nerve pain and was at most on 21 painkillers a day. Those alone made her ill. She was very tired, in awful pain, had very strange symptoms and missed school from September to May. We struggled to get any answers from the medical team. We saw specialist after specialist and again more painkillers.
My friend called one day. She had read a poster about HPV damaged girls. The symptoms were similar or identical in the list that other girls had reported after their vaccine. We contacted the lady on the poster, Freda Birrell. She was great. We suddenly had support and someone who believed us! The Doc had looked at Chelsea very strange many a time! My initial research through Freda showed some hope of recovery if damaged girls started a slow detox. I expressed my interest to Freda. I’ve never gone down the homeopathic route and was wary but also very desperate.
Freda told me of Anna. A London based homoeopath . Anna was keen to help and we quickly set up Skype. Anna had an hour long discussion with Chelsea, went away and had a long hard think about what medication to start Chelsea on. We ordered these suggestions and started on a low dose.
Within 3 weeks Chelsea started to feel a little better, she also decided that she would stop conventional medication. She wanted to detox properly. She was returning to life. Gone was this girl who slept 20 hours a day and replaced with a teenager again.
Anna has kept in regular contact. Chelsea would still be off school, on 21 painkillers and sleeping for at least 20 hours a day had we not been put in touch with Anna. Anna has tweaked things down the line, she’s only ever an email or Skype away. Our family are truly grateful.


Child’s Speech Returning


Repeated Chest Infections