Anna Anderson LCHE

I grew up surrounded by nature. Making camps up in trees was a favourite past time! It is no wonder that my true love of all things natural was to shine through and become a huge part of my life. In spite of a science orientated study through school I was always one to think outside the box and do things and think things slightly differently to everyone else.

My venture into homeopathy actually came after my daughter was born and suffered from repeated ear infections, that I now know were induced by early vaccination. Then, after my son came along a few years later I was able to study homeopathy as a full time career choice at The Centre for Homeopathic Education in London from 2003-2007. I was blown away by the sense the philosophy made to me. 

I have been putting into practise all that I have learnt since then, to help as many people as I can through homeopathy. Without which I don’t know where I would be.

Today I run a successful, lively and thriving online business that I absolutely love, sharing all the knowledge i’ve learned and am constantly learning!

I also offered my services at Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy in London, where I was contracted to be a Senior Homeopathic Consultant and during my time I was able to help hundreds of people over 11 years deal with acute illness and where I prepared homeopathic remedies and sent them all over the world. Working here kept me ahead of all new concepts and remedies and gave me a broad knowledge of helpful supplements and herbal tinctures.

Homeopathy and cats!  Two of my favourite things!

Homeopathy and cats! Two of my favourite things!

My homeopathic business allows my love of people to combine with my love of the world of natural healing in a way that leaves me with plenty of freedom to be mum to my children (who are now adults!) and have time for my own passions in life such as hiking and travelling.

Qualifications and Training:

2003-2007 Licentiate of Homeopathy awarded by The centre for Homeopathic Education, Regents College London, UK.

2007-present day Owner at Anna Anderson Homeopath

2009-2021 Senior Homeopathic Consultant, Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy

2016 CEASE Training

2017 Homeopathic Detox Training Ton Jansen

2019 Homeopathic Human Chemistry with Ton Jansen

2022 Homeopathic Training for Children with Autism with Mike Andrews

2022 Advanced Homeopathic Human Chemistry

2023 healing Complex Children Training With Angelica Lemke

2024 Prescribing for Children with Autism using Joshi’s Map of Homeopathy