Perfect Single Remedy Helps Troubled Young Girl

I really wanted to share this brief case as a beautiful example of a classical response to a single remedy.

To be honest I don’t see this too often these days! Not at all because single remedies don’t work but mainly because I see cases so complicated by medication and toxicity and single remedy actions are lost under many drug layers that need clearing first. Anyhow to the case…

I have been treating this family for many years on and off so I know them all very well, but the mother came to me this time regarding her young daughter. She had been emotionally unhappy for quite a while. Family life had recently been difficult, mum had had c-virus so there was much anxiety and uncertainty around that and there was a complicated separation happening between her parents. Mum reported the following:

  • She has been very often nasty. Calling me nasty and rude names, swearing. Very out of character for such a little one (aged 5).

  • But then she would be so upset at herself and afraid of her temper scared that she had behaved that way and was so worried why she couldn’t help but strike out

  • Constantly wanting reassurance of love from mum after such behaviours

  • Goading her older brother nastily until he shouted at her back

  • So quick to be angry and explosive anger would come out

This little girl was generally physically very healthy. She has had homeopathy her whole life so far and she has an extremely good diet. However, this episode was not passing and the little girl was becoming more and more upset and angry and cursive.

I decided upon Lachesis 1M. A remedy made from the Bushmaster Snake. Given 3 doses (night/morning/night) then 1 a week for 2 weeks.

Mum messaged me a few weeks later.

The skin on her hands and feet had peeled off in places and underneath had left some cracked reddish skin. She reports it doesn’t bother her at all, it isn’t sore. But more importantly she has changed her behaviour. The cursing has stopped and she is back to her normal more playful, happy self!

So what has happened?

The emotional body has cleared itself through the physical. And in this case, like a snake shedding its skin!

A beautiful healing response whereby she has restored herself back to balance and that disturbance on her emotional level has been able to clear out.

And that is a perfect case of uncomplicated homeopathy in action!!


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