Delayed Speech Improves Post Aluminium Detox

One of my favourite messages to receive is an update! Especially one where there has been significant improvement!

With permission, i share part of a mother’s report of her son’s response to the the homeopathic remedy Aluminium Metallicum 6c. (Given alongside his individualised weekly totality remedy and given for some weeks)

He finished Aluminium met 6c….

I can see a HUGE speech and communication progress every day.

*He talks a lot all day

*He repeats all sentences

*Speech is more clear and he says lots of new words

*Amazing understanding

*Answers any questions

*Makes simple conversations

*Correctly says thank you, please, sorry, hi and bye etc

*He is so happy, so good, so clever

I have a feeling he is a normal 5 and a half year old boy some days.

So encouraging and truly makes my day!

Note: Before any heavy metal detox be sure all routes of elimination are working well, I.E bowels are good, no constipation, can sweat etc. My advice is to always consult your homeopath.


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