Young Boy No Longer Recognisable As Having Autism

I began seeing this lovely boy 3 years ago. He first came to me displaying the following autism traits:

  • Non verbal

  • Poor eye contact

  • Stimming behaviour

  • Routine dominant

  • Very low ability to relate to other children

  • Digestive issues

Mum had already made dietary changes with promising signs of changes.

During our time we have embarked on many detoxes, from pregnancy and childhood vaccines to pre pregnancy contraception use and aluminium.

Various individually chosen remedies have been given alongside, both to support detox and others to encourage behavioural changes.

We have had in total 18 appointments across this time, with increasing space inbetween.

Some periods of time were not easy and required close contact with mum but were always worth it for the cognitive improvements that followed. I have always admired her determination and understanding of the detox process and the symptoms that her child had experienced were due to his body trying to rid itself of toxicity and trying to heal itself.

I am so happy to report we have recently signed off as mother reports that he is very well. Speaking extremely confidently both in his parent's language and in English. Responding as any other child and on par with his peers in terms of development and behaviour!

A wonderful demonstration of perseverance and the changes that homeopathy can bring about in a child’s life. It is not an overnight recovery and I would never claim it to be so, but with patience and care significant changes can happen to your child.


Wonderful Outcome!


Non-Verbal Child Begins To Speak