Full Case Management: Real life example
Male age 8
PC: Parents note: Behavioural problems front & foremost in his presentation now. History of febrile convulsions attributable to tummy bugs as we do not vaccinate our kids owing to familial adverse reactions….I think the trauma of these signaled a downturn in his development & we’ve been struggling to get back on the ladder! Awaiting autism assessment to avail of appropriate services at school…(they did get this in the end)
Some family emotional trauma, arguing, during pregnancy.
Likely to have mouldy furniture as brought in from a very old house
Planned preg
h/o birth control pill 4 years prior
Mum dentist by trade
No medication in pregnancy
Ultrasound x 1
Placenta previa had acupuncture and baby turned
Natural labour
Gas and air
Breast fed straight away and for a few weeks, then combo fed. Stopped BF around 4-5 mths (mum wanted to)
Hes a very loud baby, Big baby!
generally well, engaged with us
Crawled ok but later than should have
Speech started to come in late and it didnt develop this well after this
Walked at 18 mths
Discovered sensitive to cows milk so swapped to goats
Age 3
Febrile convulsions from a stomach bug x 2 episodes of this
Vomiting and diarrhoea and fever convulsions
But was behind his peers
Behind in toilet training and feeding himself
Sleep became difficult
Hid under the table, pre school, probably overwhelming with sound and too many children
Age 3.5
Wheezing when had a upper respiratory bug
Laboured breathing , nebulised and oxygen
Probably had strep (sister had)
Given a couple of Antibiotics and Steroids
but steroid would send him crazy, hyper
So late in teething 2 years behind only just getting 5 year old molars now
Only just feeding himself (age 8)
Hates stuff on his hands
Dislikes chewing -ve lumps , have to mash foods
Likes to chew non edible things !
Chews bedding and clothes
He’s a worrier
He doesnt speak enough words to explain
He lost connection with other kids, but wants to seek out contact with other kids but cant speak enough to know how to initiate play
Doesnt like failure , wont say anything until its right,
He knows he’s behind
Isolated from other kids
Aggression started March 2023…started to take him out the classroom
Would rip things, stuff off the walls
Pulls others hair
Kick or bite
Sharing is a problem
Might lash out
Still loves a baby bottle for comfort , 3 bottles of goats milk a day, has it cold
When guts are bad he is “crazy”, ++pungent stool for weeks recently ….used to eat foam car seat
Licks handrail but stops when we say
Likes to annoy, provocative
Knows not to annoy the cat but he knelt on the cat purposely
He needs an audience to misbehave
Can seem sorry but will just do it again
Breaks boundaries
Rarely acts out on a threat, just to get a reaction
Replays the scenario and may laugh, devious
Fine on his own but loves affection, seeks out a hug
Used to be afraid of dogs, but now own 2, hes ok unless they jump up
Might touch our cat now but still scared
Rubbing ears or scratching chest , finger posturing
Tic phase, shoulder shrug a year ago
Good, 9 hours
Falls asleep on the sofa carry him to bed but can go in his bed
Bit more clingy now
Sweat during his sleep, +++ especially on first sleep esp on head.
Grinds teeth
Can awake cold, likes to be snug and warm
BM recently on the toilet
Belches rotten egg type
Recent bout of loose, smelly stool few months, undigested food
Good diet
Removed MSG
likes Chips
Eggs and avocado
Yogurt, stewed apple
-ve beef
Eats chicken thats mashed up
Eats crisps
On the whole have to mash food, -ve lumps in the food
We give Zinc and Probiotics
1st prescription:
Lac Humanum 10M 1 x week
Tarantula hispanica 200c 2 x week
poly fungi 30c 2 x week
poly bowel 30c 2 x week
1st follow up 8 weeks later:
Mum feels Tarantula helped!
1st few weeks…he was more present, calm
But trying to destroy his toys and looking at me and laughing again, communicating this way…wants to annoy us
Expanded palate, eating beef pork and chicken pears apples, all these new things
Still mashed….even tried mashed potato with butter
Lac Humanum ……not craving the bottle anymore, wouldnt panic about it, more willing to try newer cups!!
Stool: Better formed than it was
Had conjunctivitis, bloated stomach,
Sleeps well, 9.30pm-7am
Trying to encourage him to express in sentences, struggles to do
Needs more expressive language
But Language/words improved noticeably
Used to really ++sweat at night, feet and head but not as much now
Still sucking objects and straps like seatbelts.
2nd prescription
Tarentula 1M
Poly fungi 200c
Poly bowel . 200c
Lac humanum 50M
2nd follow up 8 weeks later:
Making a big difference
Tarentula made a huge difference
Some Oppositional behaviour at the moment …goading a bit
Nips the carers to see their reactions …not as bad as it was
Had a bug…tired, conjunctivitis, sinus , eyes stuck together then influenza A….he slept a whole week! But was fine no medication given……
His gut….smells bad…lingers
Lot of chewing, straps on school bags
Really good and focussed at school, best academic work he has done
Mental maths is very good
Likes maths
Likes spelling, reading
Reading comprehension still poor…(gestalt 4 processor)
Impatience, cant wait , gets angry might throw something (but will choose something that wont break)
Communication….really improving but not yet up to 8 year old.
Likes trampoline , walking the dogs, playing with dogs
Loves getting in a lift
Likes to be on the go
Down time is ipad…educational reading etc
Music he likes listening to
Observing other kids now and says hello back….!
Not so destructive now
Drinks more water now
Likes peri peri spicey foods….
Still prefers softer food,
Good appetite
Light green discharge from eyes…
Wipes nose to eyes
Nasal discharges green
Relaxed about certain things , not worried about the bottle at all now so hes fully using cups
Bowel movements now good, well formed once a day
Wouldnt usually let me go to brush back teeth but yesterday he did!!
Wants his big sister with him, conversation and fun with her…anything she does he wants to copy !!
He will now sit with mum and look at a book
He now Uunderstands “not a good choice” and he decides…
Can still be a little unpredictable
Went to sound therapy using bowls…then he sobbed for 2 days after!!
Likes the vibration
3rd prescription
Syphilinum 1M single dose
Dental amalgam 12c (mum fillings)
Tarantula 10M
Mercury 30c
Poly organ support
3rd Follow up
Sister had strep throat
Hes had Whooping cough…but hes ok …he had antibiotics
Bored ++Likes the new !
Running around in boredom
Constant movement at the moment like ADHD
Making a noise while moving around
Settles when sister comes home
Need rigorous exercise
Making verbal noise, disrupts the house but goading me again
Trying to destroy a toy
We have to keep him constantly stimulated
Sleeps ok
But Not angry anymore, not destructive
Very intelligent
Seeking out alphabets
Gestalt language
He can read the words but not always understand the instruction
Needs a container or he’s all over the place
Hes calmer when his sister is home …very attuned to her…when shes away he feels it
Eating dinner with a spoon now
Flight risk, impulse to run
Craving food
Got big belly..maybe bloated …..(post antibiotic)
4th prescription
Poly antibiotic 4 x 4
Tub bov 1M 1 x week
4th follow up
Going very well, speech doing well
100 piece jigsaws on his own…gets frustrated if cant find the piece and other times he’s chilled
Loves his therapeutic music sits 10 mins now
Hes playing with boys and girls better
Respecting others boundaries…had fun playing together
Tub….he calmed….it settles him ….few weeks ago was last dose..
Wants to walk alongside and not hold hand
Goading has calmed a lot ….
Tummy rumbles a lot …even after food
Eating the same
Started to eat more independently will eat all of it alone….
Can correct him now with just words…!
Speech …can have now a back and forth conversation with us! Emerging ….
Clear in requests
Excellent on a bike ….follows our instructions within reason
School work (home)...writing sentences of his own head !!
Might be starting to realise that hes different …
2 new cats….Loves the cats , loves them, no fear
5th prescription
Poly metal 30c (hair test revealed some high heavy metals as suspected)
Tub bov LM3
5th follow up
Shows some mild defiance …im in charge before he sits down and does work…
But then settles and does some fantastic work
Not the destructive kid he was
he gets more enjoyment from life, colouring and writing notes
Sat an hour at a time
Now sits and does Jigsaws on his own
He is speaking ..sentences together and can say what he wants
Hes copying things he hears kids say
Not being difficult at the moment
Trying different foods….
Growing very well too…massive growth spurt
6th Prescription
Tub bov LM4
Poly metal 200c
Case ongoing