From Non-Verbal To Chatting And Reading Aloud. A Mum’s Story Of Her Son’s Journey With Homeopathy

Homeopathy. I couldn’t spell the word, never mind know what’s it was all about. To be honest I still don’t know. I wanted to try every route possible for Jake when I knew he was ‘different,’ apart from prescription medicine. I wanted to avoid that at all costs. I had read horror stories of how drugs calmed down hyperactive autistic kids to the level where they were unrecognisable.

That’s not what I wanted for Jake.

Jake was and still is a very happy boy. I could see light in his eyes and knew that with every smile he was trying to tell me he was ‘’in there.’’ I felt like he was saying ‘keep searching for me mum, don’t give up on me .’ Medicine might make that disappear in my view. I am no doctor though. I started reading books on autism. These books were not giving me answers, only concerns that I didn’t have the money for all the recommended therapies like OT and ABA. Although I felt I had to try these traditional methods, so spent what I had on sending Jake to therapist after therapist.

Apart from them ‘condoning me’ for ‘leaving it all a bit late’ as I only started this when he was 3 (no one understood that apart from not having the money, I had no clue about autism or what to do and was living in a foreign country so it took several years to figure out what I was suppose to be doing!)

I hasn’t set out to have a ‘special’ child; it wasn’t suppose to be like this; so all I needed was the so called experts telling me what I had done wrong! I wasn’t really getting on with the jargon and words and dragging Jake to places to see these people which clearly made him unhappy. I fully respect their knowledge and experience but it just didn’t feel right for me and Jake. I had already started him on as much diary and gluten free food as possible but honestly couldn’t tell you if it made a difference.

I started looking at alternative therapies and spoke to some people who had taken this route. There were mixed reactions to be honest.

I was in London for a mini break, having a great time with a good friend and we were in Covent Garden. We just happened to walk past a shop which has signs and posters in it all about homeopathy medicine. It felt like I was meant to be there! I walked in and there was a stand with some business cards. I picked one up and wanted to talk to the lady in the shop but my friend had other ideas and dragged me off to the restaurant!! I carefully placed the business card in my bag and forgot about it.

On my return to Dubai, I came across the card a few weeks later and contacted the lady who’s details were noted. I had no idea what I was doing and had no expectations. That was July 2019.

What followed could only be described as a journey of continuous sparkles, sunshine and smiles. I won’t use the word miracles but in essence there have been many ‘so called’ miracles over the last 3 years. I had the first call with Anna Anderson at the end of July. She spoke very clearly (not patronising at all) but in a way that I could understand. She made it clear that she or any homeopathic remedies were NOT ‘miracle cures’ and that it would be a very long road, many years maybe, before any changes in Jake. Her voice and words and understanding alone made me feel that Jake and I were in safe hands. What had we got to lose! I had said I would try anything!

Anna continued to talk to me (and still does) on a regular basis. I could be open and honest with her without being judged. She sent homeopathic remedies and gave clear and concise instructions on what they were; why we were trying them; what possible effects and outcomes there could be. I’d call or message her sometimes just to have someone to reach out to; she knew all about Jake; more than any doctor or nurse or teacher or therapist; I’d shared everything with her. I can’t honestly say that I could see changes on a daily or weekly basis but overall in the last 3 years we have seen dramatic developments with Jake.

I had never expected him to be toilet trained; or sleep without nighttime nappies; or eat anything but white pasta; or talk, yes talk. He was non verbal autistic; he would never talk! Well he is doing all of these things! And he still has his beautiful smile and laughter and sparkle in his eyes. I have done nothing else at all in 3 years apart from follow Anna’s suggested remedies. I have not see any behavioural therapists or doctors (Jake is never sick apart from the old cold) and I have not spent any money on anything apart from Anna’s consultations (which are ridiculously inexpensive!) and buying the actual remedies (which cost less then a one hour speech therapy session here in the UAE!) I plan to continue with Anna and her recommendations for many many many more years to come.

I cannot give credit for the major developments in Jake to anything over the past 3 years apart from her time and expertise, advise and support and of course the actual homeopathy medicines. Jake continues to grow and develop in so many ways and in my opinion it’s only the homeopathic route that has done this. It’s our permanent path. I have absolutely no doubt that we will continue to see developments for Jake. I am not expecting him to be neuro typical but will take each and every day as a step closer to helping Jake reach his full potential. Life isn’t perfect but it’s so much more ‘ normal’ than we ever expected. Jake still has a way to go but we always knew we were looking at years for this journey together and hand on heart I absolutely know we are going to see more and more developments snd improvements. I have absolutely no doubts at all that this is right for Jake.


Results In The Clinic


Voice Tic Gone!